[Music] Mac Show ft Orterkizz-Life

Super talented upcoming artist popularly known as Mac show just released his motivational track for the year titled “ Life “ featuring Orterkizz after the successful release of his highly accepted single tagged “ Ojoro ” which is still trending exclusively.   ‘Life” is a high inspirational song produced by Sam Ty to spice up the music industry and motivation.

How i almost got married by #bonez.

Funny how I told myself when I was younger that if I reached a particular level in my career before my 22 years old birthday then I would get # married .I later got even more than my expectations.I was so curious about the marriage idea until Benue state university admission came and spoiled my show and I suddenly lost that idea of marriage because of the school stress involved.That is how most young people think.Once they hit a particular level they start feeling like they have arrived.Porsh feeling oh.
Hehehe,don't let #$$$ get into your head.It makes you feel bigger than you can imagine if you let it control you.Right now,I need to graduate first.Now am older and wiser.
I always learn things the hard way.I call that incidental learning because it is the best learning I have come across...Even b.s.u can't teach you this one in class...You experience it by your self....Right now even the marriage cheese b.s.u don already half am for me.
Everything would happen at the right time by the grace of God.
# bonezizabonez
sharp sharp.
Atimes starting out at a younger age would end up exposing you to things you are not supposed to know like it did to me...
Smally where you.
But seriously, when you set targets like this,you end up working harder to achieve it.Motivation is important.


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